由于apm-server通常监控的是后端应用,所以基本是放在内网,所获取的地址一般为前端转发过来的,并非真实地址,所以在同一real ip访问量,做一些大屏策略要用headers里面的信息,但是默认apm关闭了headers相关的缓存映射,导致我们在做图的时候无法使用该字段,如图

这里需要通过编辑fields.yml ,来开启缓存映射

vi fields.yml ''' - name: http type: group dynamic: true fields: - name: version type: keyword description: > The http version of the request leading to this event. overwrite: true - name: request type: group fields: - name: method type: keyword description: > The http method of the request leading to this event. overwrite: true - name: headers type: object enabled: true description: > The canonical headers of the monitored HTTP request. '''
打开之后,进入Stack Management–>Kibana–>Index Patterns–>apm-x.x.x-transaction*–>Refresh field list刷新
